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gemar sekali bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "gemar sekali"
  • gemar:    taken pleasure in; fond of; have a weakness for;
  • sekali:    immensely; once; one time; best; vastly;
  • gemar:    taken pleasure in; fond of; have a weakness for; keen on; partial; lean; enjoy; penchant; fond; taste; be given; preference; love; tend; predilection; run; incline
  • gemar akan:    fond of; had a passion; have a passion; having a passion; keen about; take pleasure in
  • gemar berperang:    militaristic
  • gemar bertengkar:    controversial; controversal
  • gemar melakukan:    going in for; go in for
  • sekali:    immensely; once; one time; best; vastly; bitterly; galactically; erst; bitingly; much; outrageous; too; -est; piercingly; hugely; wanst; extremely; least; at one time; extraordinary; most; quite; in
  • gemar berperang/siap perang:    militaristic
  • sangat gemar akan:    got a bang out of; gotten a bang out of; had a weakness for; have a weakness for; having a weakness for; lust after (for); lusting after (for)
  • sekali sekali:    now and again; once in a while; here and there; every so often; occasionally; now and then; from time to time; at times; sometimes
  • sekali-sekali:    ever and anon; ever now and then; every now and again; every now and then; once in a while; sometimes; every so often; occasionally; occasional; at times; now and then; now and again; episodic; from
  • sekali-sekali tidak:    not on any account
  • (sekali) lagi:    afresh
  • adil sekali:    absolutely fair
  • He is also an avid hunter.
    Ia juga seseorang yang gemar sekali berburu.
  • Fond of beauty, but his goal in life is sometimes not fixed. Therefore, you must establish the purpose of your life by being patient without a shadow of boredom. Her partner Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius.
    Berwatak gemar sekali dengan keindahan, namun tujuan hidupnya kadang-kadang tidak tetap. Oleh sebab itu anda harus memantapkan tujuan serta maksud hidup anda dengan membiasakan berlaku sabar tanpa dibayangi rasa bosan. Pasangannya Libra, Aquarius, dan Sagitarius.
  • An avid outdoorsman, McCandless completed several lengthy wilderness hiking trips and paddled a canoe down a portion of the Colorado River before hitchhiking to Alaska, in April 1992.
    Gemar sekali menghabiskan waktu yang banyak di alam bebas, beberapa langkah ringan saat mengembara dengan berjalan kaki di hutan belantara yang lapang dilakukan McCandless serta mendayung sampan untuk menyusuri sebagian kawasan di Sungai Colorado sebelum memutuskan melanglang dengan menumpang mobil menuju daerah Alaska pada bulan April 1992.